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Evil Eye Meaning Colors: Unveiling the Mystical Meanings Behind 15 hues.

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Evil Eye Meaning Colors

Evil eye have been treasured for centuries for their protective properties against negative energies and misfortune. Beyond their ornamental appeal, each color infused into these carries profound symbolism, offering wearers a unique shield against the malevolent gaze. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the mystical Evil Eye Meaning Colors behind various hues of evil eye jewelry, from the deep mystery of black to the serene aura of turquoise silver

1. The Power of Black: Black evil eye exude an aura of mystery and strength. Associated with protection and grounding, black wards off negative energies and promotes stability. Wearers of black evil eye jewelry are believed to possess heightened intuition and a shield against psychic attacks.

BLACK color sample

2. The Serenity of Blue: Blue evil eye jewelry, ranging from tranquil blues to vibrant aquas, are symbols of calmness and clarity. Blue hues evoke feelings of serenity and inner peace, making them ideal for combating stress and anxiety. Whether it’s the deep allure of navy or the refreshing energy of aquamarine, blue jewelry promote harmony and spiritual well-being.

BLUE NAVY color sample BLUE LIGHT color sample BLUE AQUA color sample

3. Bordeaux: The Essence of Passion: Bordeaux evil eye jewelry embody the essence of passion and vitality. With its rich, deep red hue, Bordeaux signifies courage and determination. Wearers of Bordeaux jewelry are  believed to harness their inner strength and ignite their passions, paving the way for success and fulfillment.

BORDEAUX color sample

4. The Radiance of Bronze: Bronze evil eye jewelry emanate warmth and resilience. Symbolizing abundance and prosperity, bronze hues inspire confidence and attract wealth. Wearers of bronze jewelry are said to manifest their desires with ease and embark on a journey of abundance and prosperity.

BRONZE color sample

5. Embracing Earth Tones: Brown evil eye jewelry symbolize stability and connection to the earth. With its grounding energy, brown fosters a sense of security and balance. Wearers of brown jewelry are encouraged to stay rooted in reality while pursuing their dreams, making steady progress towards their goals.

BROWN color sample

6. The Vibrancy of Fuchsia: Fuchsia evil eye jewelry exude vibrancy and passion. Symbolizing love and vitality, fuchsia hues ignite the heart chakra, fostering deep emotional connections. Wearers of fuchsia jewelry are  believed to attract love and joy into their lives, embracing the beauty of every moment.

FUCHSIA color sample

7. The Majesty of Gold: Gold evil eye jewelry symbolize wealth, prosperity, and divine protection. Associated with the sun and royalty, gold exudes power and prestige. Wearers of gold jewelry are believed to attract abundance and divine blessings, radiating confidence and success.

GOLD color sample GOLD MAT color sample GOLD ROSE color sample

8. Green: The Color of Growth: Green evil eye jewelry represent growth, renewal, and harmony. Symbolizing nature’s abundance, green hues promote healing and balance. Wearers of green jewelry are encouraged to embrace change and nurture their spiritual evolution, flourishing in every aspect of their lives.

GREEN color sample GREEN LIGHT color sample GREEN CHAKI color sample

9. The Elegance of Grey Graphite: Grey graphite evil eye jewelry exude elegance and sophistication. Symbolizing wisdom and maturity, grey hues inspire introspection and clarity of thought. Wearers of grey graphite jewelry are believed to navigate life’s challenges with grace and poise, emerging stronger and wiser.

GREY GRAPHITE color sample

10. The Vitality of Orange: Orange evil eye jewelry radiate warmth and vitality. Symbolizing creativity and enthusiasm, orange hues ignite the sacral chakra, fostering passion and vitality. Wearers of orange jewelry are encouraged to embrace their creative potential and pursue their dreams with zeal.

ORANGE color sample

11. The Sweetness of Pink: Pink evil eye jewelry embody love, compassion, and emotional healing. Symbolizing the nurturing energy of the heart, pink hues promote self-love and empathy. Wearers of pink jewelry are believed to attract loving relationships and cultivate deep emotional connections.

PINK color sample PINK LIGHT color sample

12. Purple: The Color of Spirituality: Purple evil eye jewelry symbolize spirituality, intuition, and divine guidance. Associated with the crown chakra, purple hues elevate consciousness and connect wearers to their higher selves. Wearers of purple jewelry are encouraged to trust their intuition and embrace their spiritual journey with grace.

PURPLE color sample

13. The Passion of Red: Red evil eye jewelry evoke passion, vitality, and courage. Symbolizing the fire element, red hues ignite the root chakra, grounding wearers in their strength and resilience. Wearers of red jewelry are believed to pursue their goals with determination and overcome obstacles with ease.

RED color sample

14. The Radiance of Silver: Silver, with its luminous sheen, symbolizes clarity and reflection. It serves as a mirror to the soul, encouraging wearers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner wisdom. Adorning a silver turquoise evil eye jewelry infuses one’s aura with a radiant glow, amplifying the protective energies and fostering a deeper connection to the divine.

SILVER color sample

15. Turquoise: A Oasis of Serenity: Turquoise, revered for its serene hue reminiscent of tranquil waters, embodies the essence of peace and balance. Its calming vibrations soothe the spirit and open the channels of communication with the universe. By wearing a turquoise-infused evil eye bracelet, individuals invite a sense of tranquility into their lives, grounding themselves in the present moment and embracing the flow of life’s currents.

TURQOISE color sample

16. Veraman: Embracing the Divine Feminine: Veraman evil eye jewelry celebrate the divine feminine energy within us all. Symbolizing nurturing and intuition, veraman hues foster a deep connection to the earth and the cosmos. Wearers of veraman jewelry are encouraged to embrace their intuition and honor the wisdom of the divine feminine.

VERAMAN color sample


Evil eye jewelry serve as potent talismans, offering wearers protection, guidance, and spiritual nourishment. Whether adorned with the deep mystery of black or the vibrant energy of fuchsia, each color carries its own unique symbolism, empowering individuals to navigate life’s journey with grace and intention. By understanding the Evil Eye Meaning Colors behind these hues, wearers can harness the transformative power of evil eye jewelry to cultivate abundance, love, and spiritual growth in their lives.


Now that you Know the Evil Eye Meaning colors, make sure to explore “THE EYETHE EYE Chain Bracelet, THE EYE Open Bangle Bracelet, THE EYE earring, THE EYE Motif & THE RA EYE MOTIF collection of Erasmia Crochet Jewelry!